Update on partial re-opening
We will re-open to those children in Reception and key workers on 2 June.
As you will all be aware, the five tests that the government set out would be needed to have met for school to re-open in June have indeed been agreed to have been met!
The teachers have been very busy planning and re-organising the school to be able to accommodate the children safely as they return in staggered year groups. There are specific part of the playground designated for waiting areas, playing areas, lines down the corridors for walking safely, signs on the toilets to show which bubble groups should use them, tables spaced out in the classrooms to ensure social distancing, set resources on each table for each children to use individually, washing and sanitising areas, etc.
From Tuesday Reception children will be in school until Thursday. They will then be joined by Year 1 children on Monday 8 June and finally Year 6 on Monday 15 June. Of course, the children on key workers will continue to be in school. Due to the space required by the return of these children into smaller 'bubble' groups, there are no other teaching spaces available for siblings or indeed any other year groups.
For those bring in their children to school over the coming weeks it is very important to stick to the staggered times of entry and collection at the end of the day. These have been created to ensure minimum contact between parents. There are set places for waiting and dropping off children as well as collecting. Please do not hang around for a chat but leave swiftly as the spaces wil be taken up by the next groups. Thank you for your co-operation in advance on this matter.
A reminder that your child should only bring their packed lunch (unless having one provided by school), water bottle (labelled) and their PE bag if not in school and reading book bags for Reception and Year 1 children on specific days. No other bags will be allowed in school.
We have also added an addendum to our Behaviour Policy as required by the DFE. I have attached a copy to this page as well as posting on the Policy page within the Governors section of the website. We are expecting the children to be very excited by their return but also acknowledge that they have been learning at home for the past 10 weeks. Please do read the policy for information.
The children will not be returning to 'normal' schooling and there will be a heavy emphasis on PSHE, mental health and wellbeing as well as academic learning.
Those remaining at home will still be provided with the same quality online home learning activities as before. The weekly class Zoom meetings will continue on a Friday for all classes. Please watch out for the text messages on Wednesday each week for the codes for your child's class.
We would all like to thank you for your support and appreciation of the teachers' efforts over this period of home learning. We would like to thank you for doing such a great job of supporting your children in their learning. We have loved seeing the pictures as well as reading the work produced. Keep up the great job you are doing.
Enjoy the sunny weekend and we will see some of you soon.
Mr Smith