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New School Year and Welcome Back!

We look forward to welcoming all the children back into school over the course of this week.

I hope that you have all had a super summer holiday and enjoyed the sunshine. 

We are really looking forward to welcoming all the children back into school over the course of this week; with everyone starting properly next Monday 7 September. 

I have attached two letters that are important reads to this page. These have also been emailed out to all parents today. 

Please read these letters carefully with any questions that you may have being sent through to the address. 

I have also attached the latest school risk assessment for you to read through. 

On your child's class webpage there will be more information posted regarding PE days, book changes and other items pertinent to each class. 

Please remember to arrive at school at your child's class's allocated time in the morning and ready for collection at the end of the day. I hope that all of the information reassures you that we have done everything in our power to maintain and keep all of the children and staff safe and healthy. 

We look forward to another successful year at school. 

Best wishes

Mr Smith