Term 3
Happy New Year Year 5, I hope that you are all well. This term we are hoping to move our remote learning to the Google Classroom platform and we will show you how this works shortly.
For Wednesday 6th January however, I would like you to try the activities below which we would have followed in school during our WOW day. Have fun!
Lesson 1: What is an explorer?
Look at the Explorer PDF and then choose one of the real life explorers and create a short biography. Think back to your learning from last term!
Lesson 2: Ancient Artefacts.
Look through the Artefacts PDF and complete the Aztec Artefacts inquiry sheet. You can then check to see if your observations were correct by reading through the Artefact Answers.
Lesson 3: Aztec Mask Art
Read through the Wednesday Afternoon Art Lesson PDF and then follow the instructions on the Aztec Masks Handout PDF to create your own mask. Feel free to use the template below.
Additional Activity: Create an Aztec Sun Stone.
Please find the flipchart lessons and the resources below for the English lessons for Thursday 7th Jan and Fri 8th. We will be doing these as live lessons on Zoom at 11:15 each day however you can refer back to the flipcharts as you work if you find that helpful. On Thursday you will need the Witness Questions activity and on Friday you will need the Example Police Report and the Police Incident Report task. Enjoy!
English week 2
You will find the resources you need for the week below. Please look carefully at the file name to tell you which resource you need on which day. These go alongside the English live lesson which will be happening at 11:15am each day. All of these are also on Google Classroom.
Please find the resources that you need for the RE lesson on Thursday 14th January. We will be having this as a live lesson on Zoom at 1:30 pm. You will need to download the RE Lesson Two Activity Sheet pdf to complete during the lesson and the Thursday 14th January Lesson Two Activity Sheet.pdf for some lesson work and the independent activity. You can also find these sheets on Google Classroom.