Daily Maths session on Zoom - 9.00am
Monday 11th January - Today we are learning our number bonds to 20. Please look through the flip chart and then complete either the Bronze, Silver or Gold tasks. You may also wish to attempt the mastery card activities. Once you have completed your work, please upload it to google classroom.
Tuesday 12th January - Today we are continuing to learn our number bonds to 20 and we are using the numicon shapes. Please look through the flip chart and then complete either the Bronze, Silver or Gold tasks. I have also, attached the numicon shapes you can print out to aid your child's learning. You may also wish to attempt the mastery card activities. Once you have completed your work, please upload it to google classroom.
Wednesday 13th January - Please look through the flip chart and have a go at the silver or gold task. You can also play the matching socks game too, to help you learn your number bonds to 20. I have also included the numicon shapes again, to help you make the number bonds to 20 if you need to. Please upload the work to google classroom once you have completed it. Many thanks,
Thursday 14th January - Please work through the flip chart, use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you complete the questions.. Choose the bronze, silver or gold task, 1 mark will be given for each correct answer. Mastery card questions are also available .Please upload your work once you have completed it.
Friday 15th January - Please work through the flip chart, use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you complete the questions. Today you may wish to do the matching activity and/or the partitioning activity. Please upload your work once you have completed it. I have also included a number bonds poster to 10 and 20 to help you learn your number bonds.