Mr Evens' Class
Welcome to Year 3!
A very warm welcome to Year 3. The children have lots of enthusiasm and positivity and it's great to see everyone making fantastic progress with lots of hard work. I am sure that you’re all eager to work hard to school too.
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Challis, Miss Ivory and Ms Bryant.
You can see important information such as the class timetable, curriculum information and terms dates below. If you do have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate and email me at I will endeavour to respond as soon as it is convenient to do so.
Thank you,
Gavin Evens
Class Book
Our class book is The Invisible by Tom Percival. Each child will have the opportunity to take it home and make a reflection by drawing or writing in the book journal. I hope you enjoy it!
Our topic for this term is called Earth Unleashed. We will be learning about Natural Disasters.
Please see the 'jigsaw' planning overviews (attached at the end of this page) to see what we will be learning this term.
A Guided Reading text and prep activity will be sent home every Friday. This will need to be completed over the weekend and brought back into school on Monday, ready for use in class.
Reading records, any reading books and library books that need changing will need to be brought into school on Wednesdays. New books will be issued and sent home on Wednesday.
By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. As a school, we have subscribed to Times Tables Rockstars and every child will have their own login to access the site. This is an excellent way for children to practise their times tables at home.
Maths Attack will take place every Thursday. Maths Attack levels can be found on our website using the following link:
Our PE days for Term 3 and 4 is Mondays. We are also doing Forest School or PE on Tuesdays. Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on these day.
What we are doing in Class
Maths: Multiplication and Division
English: Narrative based on Escape from Pompeii
Science: Rocks and Soils
Topic: Earth Unleashed!
RE: What do different people believe about God
HeartSmart: Don't hold on to what's wrong
PE: Real Gym/Forest School
Computing: Podcasts
Term Dates
04.01: Start of Term 3
10.02: End of Term 3
20.02: Start of Term 4
09.03: Parents' Evening 1
14.09: Parents' Evening 2
31.03: End of Term 4
17.04: Start of Term 5