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Mrs Williams' and Mr Ramshaw Class



Welcome to Terms 5 and 6


We hope that you all had a fantastic Easter!

Here's to a wonderful summer with all the new things that we are going to be learning about. 

Please speak to us after school or email Mr Ramshaw or Mrs Williams if you have any questions, concerns or if you have any positive feedback.


Please take a look at the Meet the Teacher document below to find a timetable, overview of learning and further important information.


Our Topic   

Stonehenge - Wikipedia

Our topic this term is called - Stone Age to Iron Age

We will be learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, and enquiring into ways of life and how they compare with life today.



Please see the knowledge organiser (attached at the end of this page) to see what we will be learning up until the end of the year.


Guided reading text will be sent home every Friday and will need to be brought back into school by the following Monday. 

Reading record books and any books that need changing will need to be brought into school on Wednesday and new books will be allocated. 


We are looking at the following spelling patterns this term. 

Week 1

Review -al at the end of words

Week 2

Explore the suffix –ous and ious/ eous

Week 3

Review homophones

Week 4

Explore apostrophes for possession

Week 5

Explore words with the short vowel sound /ɪ/ sound spelt y in the middle of words

Week 6

Review the soft g sound /dʒ/ spelt g, ge or dge


By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. As a school, we have subscribed to Times Tables Rockstars and every child will have their own login to access the site. This is an excellent way for children to practise their times tables at home.Maths

Maths Mastery will take place every Monday. Children will practise all their times tables during these sessions.


Our PE days for Terms 4 and 5 are Mondays and Wednesdays Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on these days. Children will also be having Forest School on Tuesdays so will require PE kit then as well. 



Topic Vocabulary


What we are doing in Class

Maths: Calculations, mass/volume/capacity, time

English: Narrative and Explanation Text

Science: Term 5 = Plants, Term 6 = Animals, Skeletons and Nutrition

Topic: Stone Age to Iron Age

RE: Prayer

HeartSmart: Don't forget to let love in

PE: Real PE and agility

Computing: Scratch

French: Growing things and All aboard

Term Dates

26/5: INSET Day – School CLOSED