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Miss Whittingham's class

Year 5 | Carnforth School

Welcome to Year 5!

It has been lovely to welcome the children into year 5. They have made a great start to the year and I am looking forward to getting to know the children better over the next term.

I hope that we all have a fantastic year together and form a safe, happy and caring class, who make great progress with our learning. 

Please speak to me after school or email Miss Whittingham if you have any questions, concerns or if you have any positive feedback.


Homework will be handed out on a Friday. Guided Reading MUST be returned on Tuesday.  It is really important that children make an effort to complete homework.

Homework consists of a weekly Guided Reading text, 3 spellings and either a piece of Maths or English. Homework will always be relevant to what we have been looking at that week and will support the children's learning as we move through the topic.

 We will be using the Essential Spellings approach, looking at spelling patterns, rules and practising how to apply these.


Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday. All children should come to school in their PE kit and must also bring a drink.