Term 3 Home Learning
Please see the attached guides on how to access Google Classroom.
Flip charts and tasks will be uploaded from Mon 11th Jan to Google Classroom.
Dear Parents / Carers,
We are so disappointed that due to current circumstances we won’t be seeing most of your children in class this term.
In Year 1 we will be delivering three 30 minute online learning sessions every day. These will be Maths, English and an Afternoon Session relating to Topic, Science, and Story Time.
These will be at the following times:
9.00am – 9.30am: Maths
11.00am – 11.30am: Phonics/ English
1.45pm – 2.15pm: Afternoon Session, Topic, Science, Story time
These online sessions will be delivered from the classroom so that those children who are in school can access the learning at the same time as their class peers at home.
Children who are home learning are encouraged to share their work via Google Classroom. This will be read and feedback will be given as a whole class during that subjects next live lesson.
We will not be providing individual feedback for work completed at home.
Live teaching sessions will start with feedback from the previous lesson, through the sharing of some of the children's work to celebrate successes and to address any common misconceptions.
We will provide answer sheets for parents to use when appropriate.
On occasions we may give individual feedback for English work, including next steps.
In addition to the home learning activities, please continue to read regularly with your child. All the children have access to our online platform Reading Planet (my.risingstars-uk.com).
We suggest that you try to keep to a daily routine for your child and we have outlined one below:
We understand that this is likely to be a challenging time for everyone. We will all do our best to support one another.
If you have any questions my email address is sarah.hake@almondsburyprimary.co.uk.
Take care and stay safe,
Best wishes,