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Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) or Reception, is the bedrock of all that occurs subsequently at Almondsbury CE Primary. The learning that takes place within EYFS, provides the children with the basic foundations of learning and lifelong thirst for knowledge, understanding and the development of skills.  It is crucial that children and families feel confident, safe and secure in the knowledge that we provide learning experiences with the highest of expectations which engage and excite our children.

The EYFS is based upon four principles...


The EYFS curriculum ensures children develop across the areas of learning which include the social and emotional aspects of learning as well as the more academic areas.


Alongside the Early Years curriculum, we celebrate our children’s ability to develop strong characteristics of learning which each focus upon different learning behaviours including resilience, creativity, working together.

We believe children have a ‘window of opportunity’ during the early stages of learning, and it is our role to ensure every opportunity is available to embed the basics skills of reading, writing and maths. This commitment is reflected through quality teaching and responses to children’s needs, as well as ensuring children read daily at home and regularly in school.

Our close partnership with families and early years settings, allow us to reflect upon our practice and gain an understanding of where our children begin, as well as giving us an insight into what will ‘make learning irresistible’ to them. This allows us to start the Reception year with learning experiences which interest and challenge our children. We aim to make learning as purposeful and memorable as possible! We have a number of events that take place throughout the year to enhance our curriculum, including: visits from those in the local area; WOW events such as a ‘Autumn Day' and first hand experiential visits linked to the children's learning.

At Almondsbury, we will be following the guidance as set out from the DFE for the expectations regarding the curriculum delivery for EYFS. We have arranged these into four different sections which will cover all aspects of the areas mentioned above. 


The delivery of the curriculum will be devised around the interests of the children, with common themes and threads running through the year, to provide them with a wide range of experiences and learning opportunities. 

Play is therefore an integral part of the learning experience for the children in EYFS as stated below.

The children will be helping to devise and extend their own learning experiences with the assistance of the adults around them. Specific tasks, such as teaching of phonics, reading, writing and mathematics will also take place. 

Parents play a vital role in the development of their child's learning. The relationship and work supported by parents, alongside the adults in school, will form the basis of how well the children will make progress throughout the year. T

The children will complete a Baseline Assessment, as required by the DFE, at the start of their time in EYFS/Reception. The school will also make regular assessments of the children, to ensure progress is maintained throughout the year.