5. Term 5
Welcome back to the Term 5. We hope you all enjoyed the Easter holiday!
This term we will be spending lots of time exploring the outdoors, finding out about things that grow and live in the garden. Our focus texts will be The Enormous Turnip, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Bee & Me.
We will also find out about and celebrate King Charles' Coronation, using the story The King's Hats as our key text.
During Sports Week we will take part in Sports Day and Tour d' Almondsbury.
We will be learning about the story 'The Hare and the Tortoise' throughout the week.
Our Super Value this term is 'Humility'.
Important Dates - Term 5
Monday 17th April - Term 5 begins
Tuesday 18th April - Reception height and weight checks
Wednesday 19th April - Reception Spring Day
Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday - school closed
Friday 5th May - Coronation garden party and games
Monday 8th May - Coronation Bank Holiday - school closed
Friday 19th May - Mayhem Madness Day
Tuesday 23rd May - Sports Day
Wednesday 24th May - Tour d' Almondsbury
Thursday 25th - Last day of Term 5
Friday 26th May - INSET Day - school closed to pupils