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Mrs Williams and Mr Dean's Class


Term 2

Key information

PE will continue on a Monday and Forest School will be replaced by French and PE every Tuesday this term. Therefore, the children will need to wear their PE kits to school both Monday and Tuesday.

Reading Books

Reading books will be changed each Thursday where possible, so please make sure your children have read their books and had their reading record completed by Thursday please.

Guided Reading

Children will not receive guided reading during half-term, but we do ask that they continue to read their books regularly throughout the week.


You will receive an email regarding the homework project based around Ancient Egypt. Please support your child with these projects and send any completed work to school by Monday 2nd December so they can share their work with the class. The letter is also attached below for your reference.

Term 1

A warm welcome to Year 3. This year both Mrs Williams and Mr Dean will be the class teachers. The class will also be supported by Mr Evans, Miss Ivory, Mrs Moore and Miss Winter.

PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays - children should come to school in their PE kit on these days.

During Term 1 and Term 4, Year 3 will have Forest School sessions during Tuesday afternoon. Children will need PE kits, wellies and raincoats.

Please have a look at the tabs on the right-hand side to find information about what we are learning each term.