Term 1 and 2 Information
We are so excited to be welcoming you back to school and are really looking forward to a fantastic year together!
The 'Meet the Teacher' event will take place on Thursday 14th September, 3.30-4.30pm.
Term 1 Timings:-
Our class will begin the year by following these times:
Start of day: 8:55am (entering through the white hall door in the key stage 1 playground)
End of the day: 3:30pm (leaving also, through the white hall door in the key stage 1 playground)
Our class PE days will be on Mondays all year and Thursdays in terms 2, 3,5, and 6. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
Forest School
Outdoor Learning will take place every Thursday afternoon, in terms 1 and 4. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit and has a waterproof coat and Wellington boots.
The first fortnight of school will have a focus on Wellbeing and Mental Health. . The children will be participating in lots of creative activities which will help them to express themselves and discuss their feelings.
As part of our Wellbeing fortnight, for English, we will be focusing our work around the book 'The Koala Who Could' by Rachel Bright. This lovely book will give the children the opportunity to demonstrate their writing and reading skills and will link well to our focus on Wellbeing.
After completing a lovely unit on the book 'The Koala Who Could' we will be reading the wonderful book Paddington by Michael Bond.
The children will are required to bring their book bags in on Fridays for Year 1 and Mondays for Year 2. This should include their Reading Record and school reading books, these will be changed and sent home the same day.
For Year 1 we will be continuing to follow the Essential Letters and Sounds programme. We will be recapping the letter and sound patterns that the children learnt last year as well as introducing the new patterns of alternative pronunciation and spellings.
In Year 2 we willing starting the new programme, Essential Letters and Sounds Spelling programme.
The first unit in Maths this term, we will be looking at place value
Year 1
Year 2
This term our topic is called 'Let's Explore London'
In Heartsmart we will be getting 'Heartsmart' ready with Boris.
Our theme in Collective Worship is 'Generosity'. Our British Value is 'Tolerance'