Monday 18th May
Activity 1: Read and Respond - "Beowulf" Chapters 7-9
This week's alternative is the fable "George and the Dragon."
Tuesday 19th May
Activity 2: Writing Task
Wednesday 20th May
Activity 2: Writing Task
Thursday 21st May
Activity 2: Finish and illustrate a writing task
Friday 22nd May
Activity 3: Grammar - Cursive Handwriting
Useful Links
Spelling frame - https://spellingframe.co.uk/ Reading /Spelling - Read Theory (Login sent home in Term 4 (Can be accessed from class teacher))/ Reading Eggs – register for free for 30 days. |
David Walliams Elevenses - https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Make a ‘Homophone Reminder’:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfiXW1Ndop0 (Homophones activity with Miss Cole)